The Killingholme Surgery has an on-site dispensary which is open during Surgery hours. NHS regulations only allow us to dispense for people living in approved areas of 1 mile or more away from your local chemist. If you are unsure if this service is available to you, please do not hesitate to ask.
Repeat Prescriptions
If you have regular repeat medication you can request to sign up for our managed repeat system (for more information please speak with dispensary) or you can order your medication by returning the computer counterfoil (white slip) to the surgery, calling dispensary on 01469 540786 (option 2) or by using one of the online services
If you are ordering your prescription over the telephone please leave a message on the answerphone with your full name, date of birth and medication you require. Your prescription will be ready for collection after 72 hours (excluding weekends and Bank Holidays). If you need to speak with one of the dispensary team please call 01469 540786 option 2 between 11.00 - 12.00 or 15.00 - 16.00, outside of these times please leave a message and they will get back to you.
Collection of medications should be made between 8.00 - 12.30 and 14.00 - 18.00.
If you have asked for your prescription to be collected by the chemists please allow time from ordering your prescription to be signed by the Doctor and collected by the chemist.
If you are on long term medication you will be asked to see the Doctor/Advanced Nurse Practitioner for a review on a regular basis.
Please note, reception will not be able to deal with any queries regarding your prescription, all queries must be made via our dispensary team.