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The nurses do not hold specific clinics but will see patients with the following conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Respiratory disease,
  • Minor illnesses
  • Cervical Screening
  • Family planning including implant insertion and removal
  • Immunisation for babies
  • Travel immunisation

Patients are also seen for routine treatment room work such as phlebotomy and dressings.

We are also able to offer minor surgery appointments with Dr Naeem

Please contact your midwife for information regarding your nearest midwifery clinic.


Not all patients receive their medications from the surgery. If you live less than 1 mile from a chemist you will need to take your prescription to a chemist to be filled.

Dispensing for all eligible patients is done by the dispenser on duty. Requests are taken in writing to prevent mistakes. Only medication on repeat slips will be dispensed by the dispenser. Any other medication has to be authorised by the doctor and can take longer to prepare. Antibiotics are not available routinely on repeat prescription. Please place the prescription counterfoil in the prescription box in the reception area.

Prescriptions can now be ordered using our online service. Please enquire at reception if you are interested in requesting prescriptions in this manner. You will need to have photo identification with you and each patient has to register for this service personally.

Please note you can no longer order prescriptions through a chemist; although a chemist can still pick up your prescription for you.

Please take a seat whilst waiting for your medication to be dispensed as this cuts down on the congestion and enables privacy in the reception area. Please use the doorbell to request the presence of a dispenser if you feel you have been waiting too long or there is no one in reception.

72 hours notice is required to issue a repeat prescription.

The surgery now offers medications in blister packs as a service. When medications are ordered like this they will be delivered fortnightly to your home address.

We kindly request that all prescription enquiries are directed to the dispensary team via 01469 540786 option 2. Please leave a message with your full name and date of birth and one of the team will get back to you if required. Prescriptions can be collected between 8.00am - 12.30pm and 2.00pm - 6.00pm.